pendapat yang lemah bahasa Inggris
- pendapat: idea; opinion; premise; a matter of opinion;
- yang: a one; of that which; of which; ones which; that;
- lemah: effete; feeble; frail; impaired; infirm;
- bangunan yang lemah: house of cards
- cara komunikasi yang lemah: poor communication
- orang yang berjiwa lemah: a weak-kneed fellow
- orang yang dianggap lemah: underdog
- orang yang lemah lembut: pussycat
- pendapat: idea; opinion; premise; a matter of opinion; contention; estimation; in my; in my, your etc opinion; judgement; judgement, judgment; position; thought; side; discernment; input; viewpoint; observanc
- lemah: effete; feeble; frail; impaired; infirm; languarous; lax; namby pamby; poor; puny; tender; tenuous; weak; ailing; bad; faint; helplessly; lame; low; pathetic; pine; sickly; spineless; thin; feeblene
- lemah-lemah: wanly
- bagaimana pendapat: how about
- banyak pendapat: too few opinions
- curah pendapat: brainstorming
- dalam pendapat: in one's book